
Increase freedom of movement for people

Personally, I've experienced the pain of immigrating to the US on a student visa and nomading across the world on tourist visas over the last year. The process is arcane, required hour of tedious work, and fraught with failure.

The formative idea is building a product that provides compliance-as-a-service for tourists to the Schengen region, which accounts for ~40% of international tourism[0], and has a 22% visa rejection rate[1] which impacted 1.3M people in just 2022.

The visa process not only has a mandatory monetary cost of the application fee but also a massive overhead cost of time spent navigating the complex regulation. On top of that, there's add-on agent fees for people that don't feel confident applying themself and outsource the work to travel agents.

Ultimately, the goal is to enable freedom of movement for everyone in the world.

[0] https://ec.europa.eu/docsroom/documents/29101/attachments/1/translations/en/renditions/native

[1] https://statistics.schengenvisainfo.com/